A Morning Prayer EGP Blog post from May 18, 2014

Starting your day off with prayer can prepare your mind and spirit for the day. [] But it can be tough getting things going when you “get up while it’s still dark to pray” [] or just praying while getting ready in the morning. So, I like to start my day off with a prayer using a Scripture-centered framework and then spend time in musical worship.

Glorious God and King of all creation [], I humbly [] yet boldly approach Your throne of Grace this morning [] asking that You cleanse me and those people, creatures, and things You’ve entrusted to me from any unrighteousness, iniquities, and unclean spirits. []

God, I put on the armor You have given to me: the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, feet shod with the Victorious News of Peace, the Shield of Faith to quench all the fiery darts of the Evil One, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit (which is your Word) [] in Christ’s hands, in the Father’s hands [], and sealed by the Spirit. []

Make me a covering for those You’ve entrusted to me. [] Draw us closer together and closer to you. [] Put Your hedge of protection around us [] and help us to stand firm in the strength of Your might [], resisting the Devil so that he will flee. []

Give us patience and wisdom in the situations we face today [] and help us to represent You well as Your ambassadors wherever You may lead us. [] Help us to be firm with those we need to be firm [] with and have grace with those we need to have grace with. []

May You be magnified above all else in our lives. [] Not my will, but Yours be done. []

I love You, Lord, and praise Your holy and precious Name. [] Amen.