Preparing to Know Christ Deeply EGP Blog post from June 1, 2014

I will deal with all the things in the world in a way that draws me NEARER to Christ through them or I won’t deal. How are you doing with videos? Spending? I regard everything as LOSS in comparison with Christ…in the sense that as I wear my coat, drive my car, watch a video, I will deal with this in a way that draws me MORE to Christ, not LESS to Christ. If the video undermines the PURE, SWEET fellowship with Jesus, rather than ENHANCING it, STOP WATCHING THEM!

I’m APPALLED at what Christians do for “entertainment” by taking it for granted that if it’s in the theater, it should be watched. I’m APPALLED, not because I’m a PRUDE—I have my favorite movies—but because I am RUINED by certain scenes. I won’t watch certain “good” movies because of THAT scene. I will NOT, because CHRIST is dishonored in my SOUL and my MIND is contaminated for MONTHS, and HE’s more PRECIOUS than the pleasure of the other 124 MINUTES.

Come on! Let’s be Christian through and through! Let’s get ready to suffer! If we can’t deny ourselves a LITTLE BIT of entertainment, that the world assumes we MUST have, in order for us to KNOW and ADMIRE and SWEETLY and more DEEPLY enjoy constant fellowship with our Jesus, how are we gonna face the STAMPEDE of HORSES when they come?

Key verses

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