Bible Study Tools search, read, and compare multiple versions of the Bible

Type the word segment, word(s), or phrase you want to search for and it will search for every occurrence of it in the first translation and also break your search request into keywords and use those to search over 15 different translations, displaying the entire verse (as opposed to a couple surrounding words, like most other concordances). Then it pulls up the resultant verses in each of the subsidiary versions for instant parallel comparison.

Also, all the verses are linked to the Parallel Bible section, so that you can click the verse and see it with the context of its entire chapter in a separate window!

Bible Search

Parallel Bible

read and compare multiple versions of the Bible

Select the book/chapter/verse that you want to see, and which translations you want to see it in (up to seven at a time). It will then pull up the entire chapter with each translation side-by-side, bolding the selected verses.

Parallel Bible

Lexicons (Word Study)

explore the original languages of the Bible

Type the Strong’s Number, Greek word or Hebrew word, transliterated word, or part of the definition and it will search the entire lexicon, provide a list of matching words, and let you click on the number to show its definition.

Also, all cross-references in the definition are linked, so you can click on the numbers for them and get their definitions. Also, you can click “Find in Bible” and it will find every occurrence of that word in the Bible!

Lexicons (Word Study)

Bible Reading Plans

time-based plans for reading the Bible

The Reading Plans section provides various time-based plans for reading the Bible, displaying the passages to read for the day.

Bible Reading Plans