Christian quotes, mini-articles, music, and more

Have you ever felt that the challenges before you are too great for your limited abilities? In our journey of faith, we often feel unqualified, inadequate, and overwhelmed by the magnitude of what lies ahead. Our tendency is to focus on our weaknesses and limitations, wondering if we are truly …
You saw me first [Psalm 139:15–16; 1 John 4:19] You let me in when I was at my worst [Titus 3:3–7; Ephesians 2:3–5] The moment when I heard You say my name [John 10:2–4] It’s the first time in so long I’m not afraid [Isaiah 41:10] I’m not afraid [Psalm 23:4–5] You are the voice that calms the …
There is a war that’s inside [1 Peter 2:11–12] A battle for my heart and mind [Proverbs 4:20–23; Romans 12:1–2] Some days I feel I just can’t fight [Psalm 69:1–3] I’m not strong enough on my own [Isaiah 41:10–13] Thank God I’m not standing alone [2 Chronicles 20:17] You’re with me wherever I go …
In our busy lives, we often overlook the potential for spiritual growth and connection with God in everyday activities, including exercise. While walking or running, we have the opportunity to not only improve our physical well-being but also to draw closer to God, hear His voice, and receive …
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot topic for sure! With the usual “man vs technology” fears aside, there are also concerns from a Christian perspective about appropriate use or even discerning between godly and demonic influence on the results. Titus 1:15 (NLT) Everything is pure to those …
When upgrading this website, it was quite frustrating to repeatedly start over. I was praying for direction, got guidance from God, developed for a while, and maybe made it a bit further than past attempts. Then I’d undoubtedly hit a hard roadblock and had to start over … again and again. On a bad …
“The way we talk in our time and culture about being BLESSED by God, you’re blessed when you’re RICH. You’re blessed when you’re FAMOUS. You’re blessed when you’re SUCCESSFUL. You’re blessed when everything is going GREAT. You’re blessed when you’re COMFORTABLE, and SECURE, and SAFE. That’s the …
“Moses is doing his JOB as a shepherd and he NOTICES this bush burning. The Bible says Moses noted … it was ON FIRE, but wasn’t being CONSUMED. … We have to understand that Moses did not turn because God SAID, ‘Moses, Moses.’ That’s EASY. How many know that when God SAYS your name, it’s like, …
You are all [Psalm 40:17] Big and small [Ephesians 4:6] Beautiful [Psalm 27:4] And wonderful [Psalm 40:5] To trust in grace through faith [Romans 5:1–2] But I’m asking to taste [Psalm 34:8] For dark is light to You [Psalm 139:11–12] Depths are height to You [Psalm 139:7–8] Far is near [Psalm …
“Many of the problems that exist in our lives were given places of influence, and power, and strength because of improper conversation. For many people, their goal in life is to vent when they have something going wrong. And all they do is add to the strength of that particular problem. … I’m only …
“Jesus didn’t come to GIVE you a key, He IS the key. And lot of us, we want a key to God’s hidden treasures, but Jesus didn’t come to GIVE us hidden treasures, He came to BE for us the hidden treasure. … A lot of us really want what God HAS for us, but we don’t want GOD. We want whatever Jesus …
“You’re actually the sum total of the memories you CHOOSE to carry with you. … There are NEW battles to fight right NOW and you’re LOSING them because you keep facing BACKWARDS rather than FORWARD. … You’re STILL fighting those ancient enemies that have long been GONE. … You keep wanting God to do …