New Testament read and compare multiple versions of the Bible


authorship, audience, history

The New Testament (a.k.a., New Covenant or “Brit Chadashah” in Jewish circles) consists of 27 books that were penned between AD 50 and AD 100.

It primarily addressed early Christian communities throughout the Roman Empire, including both Jews and Gentiles. However, it remains applicable today, as it imparts timeless truths and principles that reveal God’s eternal kingdom.

It is often divided into the following ranges:

  1. Gospels
  2. Acts of the Apostles
  3. Paul’s Letters
  4. General Letters
  5. Book of Revelation


living in relationship with God and to His glory

The New Testament serves as a continuation of the Old Testament, creating a cohesive narrative that spans from creation into eternity. It provides the climax of God’s redemptive story, revealing Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah, as well as a detailed explanation of God’s eternal plan for humanity.

God is portrayed as a loving and merciful Father, desiring a relationship with His children. The Holy Spirit is shown as the Comforter, Guide, and Empowerer of believers. Jesus Christ is revealed not only as fulfilling the role of the prophesied Messiah, but also as the Creation Sustainer, Davidic King, and Savior that fulfilled the Law. His life, death, and resurrection are the cornerstone of Christian faith, offering redemption and eternal life. Each plays a unique part, yet they are harmoniously intertwined in illuminating the depth and breadth of God’s love.

The New Testament emphasizes a life that glorifies God through a personal relationship with Him, made possible by faith in Jesus Christ. It teaches that salvation is by grace alone, and that God’s grace not only forgives but enables righteous living. The guidance of the Holy Spirit aligns believers with kingdom principles such as repentance, faith, forgiveness, and deep love for God and others. Prayer is portrayed as a vital connection with God, encompassing worship, praise, and hearing from Him. It also reflects a perspective that integrates God’s divine plan with human action, recognizing both God’s supreme authority and human choice.

Key verses: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;


books included in the Old Testament

  1. Matthew
  2. Mark
  3. Luke
  4. John
  5. Acts
  6. Romans
  7. 1 Corinthians
  8. 2 Corinthians
  9. Galatians
  10. Ephesians
  11. Philippians
  12. Colossians
  13. 1 Thessalonians
  14. 2 Thessalonians
  15. 1 Timothy
  16. 2 Timothy
  17. Titus
  18. Philemon
  19. Hebrews
  20. James
  21. 1 Peter
  22. 2 Peter
  23. 1 John
  24. 2 John
  25. 3 John
  26. Jude
  27. Revelation