AI to the Glory of God – EGP Blog post from June 4, 2023
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot topic for sure! With the usual “man vs technology” fears aside, there are also concerns from a Christian perspective about appropriate use or even discerning between godly and demonic influence on the results.
Titus 1:15 (NLT)
Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure. But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and consciences are defiled.
When rewriting this website, I used AI to translate from one programming language to another, saving weeks of work and reducing errors, so I could focus on higher level aspects of the migration instead of getting lost in the details. Also, while testing ChatGPT’s abilities out, I decided to have some fun, asking it to rewrite Psalm 23 in modern English with rhyming. What it came up with used some poetic license, but was impressive nonetheless!
Psalm 23 (ChatGPT)
[1] The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing more,
[2] In green pastures He makes me lie and restore. Beside still waters, He leads me with care,
[3] Renewing my soul and easing my despair.
[4] Though through the valley of death I may walk, I’ll fear no evil, for with me He talks. Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me so, And Your love and Your grace, they help me to grow.
[5] You set a table for me, in my foes’ view, Anointing my head with oil, my cup overflows too.
[6] Surely goodness and mercy will follow me, All the days of my life, until eternity. In the house of the Lord, forever I’ll dwell, Praising His name, for all His wonders to tell.
our Christian endeavors aren’t merely academic, but spiritual
Ultimately, AI is merely a utensil that we can choose if/how to use. Would I give it carte blanche to create a blog post for this site or write a Christian song? No. It may be able to technically do it; however, our Christian endeavors aren’t merely academic, but spiritual. So, while we may have yet another tool in our tool belt, we must remember to continue to rely on God instead of the things of this world. He may have us use these devices, but our instinct should be to seek Him first. If He guides us to use AI for something, then we can use AI to the glory of God!
Colossians 3:15–17 (NASB)
[15] Let the peace of Christ rule° in your hearts, to which indeed° you were called in one body; and be° thankful. [16] Let the word of Christ° richly dwell within you, with° all wisdom teaching and admonishing one° another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with° thankfulness in your hearts to God. [17] Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.
Colossians 3:15a Or act as arbiter
Colossians 3:15b Lit also
Colossians 3:15c Or show yourselves thankful
Colossians 3:16a One early ms reads the Lord
Colossians 3:16b Or in
Colossians 3:16c Or one another, singing with psalms...
Colossians 3:16d Or by; lit in His grace
Key verses
Isaiah 46:9–10; Ecclesiastes 1:9–11; Proverbs 16:9, 33; Matthew 6:33–34