Power of Proclamation – EGP Blog post from February 17, 2019

“Many of the problems that exist in our lives were given places of influence, and power, and strength because of improper conversation. For many people, their goal in life is to vent when they have something going wrong. And all they do is add to the strength of that particular problem. … I’m only going to talk if I am looking for a redemptive solution and I believe that they are a part of it. … I don’t mean you don’t seek council. … Living in denial is not the solution. But there are times where we actually fuel and feed conflicts and problems in life, … because they’re the topic of our complaint, the topic of our conversation. … Whatever you say, you’ll have. The problem is, we have much of what we’ve said. …
‘Life and death is in the power of the tongue.’ It means that you and I have the ability with our speech to bring life to a dead situation or to kill a live situation. … Now, I don’t think we have the luxury to just say whatever we want. … The heart of the believer is to find whatever God is saying, to find His Word in a given situation. But once we’ve received the Word of the Lord in a given situation, it is up to us to make the proclamation that those things would come to pass. …
Whenever there is a bold proclamation of the Gospel on the part of the people of God, there is a bold response from Heaven to bring breakthrough. … He has chosen to respond to … the declaration of surrendered believers; those who say, ‘The will of God—God being glorified—is all I want. I am going to harness my own conversation, and I’m going to make sure that I proclaim that which You are saying, God.’ … It’s almost like the proclamations are seating the cloud of the rain that’s actually going to fall upon my own life.”
Key verses
Mark 11:22–24; Proverbs 18:21; James 4:2–5; Acts 4:29–31; Psalm 40:8–11; Joel 3:9–10