Shane & Shane “Be Near” – EGP Blog post from February 24, 2019
You are all [Psalm 40:17]
Big and small [Ephesians 4:6]
Beautiful [Psalm 27:4]
And wonderful [Psalm 40:5]
To trust in grace through faith [Romans 5:1–2]
But I’m asking to taste [Psalm 34:8]For dark is light to You [Psalm 139:11–12]
Depths are height to You [Psalm 139:7–8]
Far is near [Psalm 139:9–10]
But, Lord, I need to hear from You [Psalm 32:8–9]Be near, O God [James 4:8]
Be near, O God, of us [Hebrews 11:6]
Your nearness is to us our good [Psalm 73:28]Your fullness is mine [Ephesians 3:18–20]
Revelation divine [Luke 2:30–32]
But, o, to taste [Psalm 119:103]
To know much more than a page [John 5:37–40]
To feel Your embrace [Song of Solomon 8:2–3]