Engaging in Spiritual Warfare – EGP Blog post from April 9, 2013
The tendency is to think of demonic influences as, “This is something that happens in a weird, dark part of Africa, Bangladesh, or some place where they worship idol gods.” But, demons have a notorious way of acclimating themselves to the area where they are, so for people, it becomes easy to miss. …
I think you engage [in spiritual warfare] by recognizing what’s there that is not of God and it doesn’t just need a practical solution. There are lots of things that just need a practical solution … but sometimes you get a promptings of the Spirit that “this is not ordinary.” … And the first place you go, really, after having identified it, is you begin to pray about this. That’s where spiritual warfare then happens. It is piercing the darkness with the Word of God and with prayer. …
[When counseling,] I try to modulate my words in such a way…to help them them see that there is an enemy, that if you give him an inch, he really will take the inch and more. And, sad to say, Christians can open themselves up to become a tool to be used. …
I don’t tend to think in terms of “cast it out of the person”, because this is a Christian, I don’t believe that a Christian is possessed. But I tend to think in terms of there’s is an “influence” around them and there’s a way that I pray into the situation, name the situation, pray against it, and begin to just, like, “cut off the cords that are holding them bound.” …
The enemy will expose wherever there is disunity, but wherever there is unity, there the Lord commands the blessing and life comes. …
Know yourself and know your weaknesses and know your tendencies. If your tendency is toward being skeptical, learn to over time reel that thing in, and say, “Lord, help me hear with sanctified ears, and help me to be believing, but not to be gullible.”