G3056 – logos – λόγος a declaration, discourse; trad. a word

Strong’s ID:
Greek Word:
Part of Speech:
noun masculine
, a spoken word, a personal message
, speech, word, matter
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Find “logos” in the Bible (New Testament)

Equip God’s People Greek Lexicon

1) a declaration (i.e., authoritative)
2) a discourse (i.e., thorough)
2) traditionally: a word

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“Logos” can denote simple communication, but usually carries principles of authority, reason, and logic. In fact, John—both in his gospel and in Revelation—often used it synonymously for Christ, offering insight into His representation of God the Father.

While “logos” and “rhema” () both touch on the idea of “word,” each brings its unique shade of meaning to the table. Think of “logos” as a general announcement to a crowd, while “rhema” is like a whispered secret meant just for you.

In fact, “logos” derives from “lego” ()—meaning to “lay out, relate in words”—suggesting a broader message for a wider audience. Whereas “rhema” stems from “rheo,” connoting more of a personal message that is “uttered” () and “flows over/through” () someone. While not a definitive portrayal, this concept is representative of Jesus—the Word that has been “laid out” for all—and the Holy Spirit—the Breath that “flows over/through” us.

Equip God’s People Greek Lexicon © 2013–2024. All rights reserved.

Strong’s Greek Lexicon

from ; something said (including the thought); by implication a topic (subject of discourse), also reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive; by extension, a computation; specifically (with the article in John) the Divine Expression (i.e. Christ):—account, cause, communication, × concerning, doctrine, fame, × have to do, intent, matter, mouth, preaching, question, reason, + reckon, remove, say(-ing), shew, × speaker, speech, talk, thing, + none of these things move me, tidings, treatise, utterance, word, work.

Owing to changes in the enumeration while in progress, there were no words left for numbers 2717 and 3203–3302, which were therefore silently dropped out of the vocabulary and references as redundant.

Thayer’s Greek Definitions

1) of speech
1a) a word, uttered by a living voice, embodies a conception or idea
1b) what someone has said
1b1) a word
1b2) the sayings of God
1b3) decree, mandate or order
1b4) of the moral precepts given by God
1b5) Old Testament prophecy given by the prophets
1b6) what is declared, a thought, declaration, aphorism, a weighty saying, a dictum, a maxim
1c) discourse
1c1) the act of speaking, speech
1c2) the faculty of speech, skill and practice in speaking
1c3) a kind or style of speaking
1c4) a continuous speaking discourse-instruction
1d) doctrine, teaching
1e) anything reported in speech; a narration, narrative
1f) matter under discussion, thing spoken of, affair, a matter in dispute, case, suit at law
1g) the thing spoken of or talked about; event, deed
2) its use as respect to the MIND alone
2a) reason, the mental faculty of thinking, meditating, reasoning, calculating
2b) account, i.e. regard, consideration
2c) account, i.e. reckoning, score
2d) account, i.e. answer or explanation in reference to judgment
2e) relation, i.e. with whom as judge we stand in relation
2e1) reason would
2f) reason, cause, ground
3) In John, denotes the essential Word of God, Jesus Christ, the personal wisdom and power in union with God, his minister in creation and government of the universe, the cause of all the world’s life both physical and ethical, which for the procurement of man’s salvation put on human nature in the person of Jesus the Messiah, the second person in the Godhead, and shone forth conspicuously from His words and deeds.

Thayer’s Definitions are as edited by the Online Bible of Winterbourne, Ontario. They removed the etymology, cross-references, and Greek phrases and changed some of Thayer’s Unitarian doctrinal positions concerning the work and person of Christ.