G4190 – poneros – πονηρός to be hurtful; fig. to be evil

Strong’s ID:
Greek Word:
ponēros / poneros
Part of Speech:
from a derivative of
, to be worthless; fig. wicked
, to be rotten; fig. corrupt
Usage Count:
Find “poneros” in the Bible (New Testament)

Equip God’s People Greek Lexicon

1) to be hurtful
2) figuratively: to be evil

Equip God’s People Greek Lexicon © 2013–2024. All rights reserved.

Strong’s Greek Lexicon

from a derivative of ; hurtful, i.e. evil (properly, in effect or influence, and thus differing from , which refers rather to essential character, as well as from , which indicates degeneracy from original virtue); figuratively, calamitous; also (passively) ill, i.e. diseased; but especially (morally) culpable, i.e. derelict, vicious, facinorous; neuter (singular) mischief, malice, or (plural) guilt; masculine (singular) the devil, or (plural) sinners:—bad, evil, grievous, harm, lewd, malicious, wicked(-ness). See also .

Owing to changes in the enumeration while in progress, there were no words left for numbers 2717 and 3203–3302, which were therefore silently dropped out of the vocabulary and references as redundant.

Thayer’s Greek Definitions

1) full of labours, annoyances, hardships
1a) pressed and harassed by labours
1b) bringing toils, annoyances, perils; of a time full of peril to Christian faith and steadfastness; causing pain and trouble
2) bad, of a bad nature or condition
2a) in a physical sense: diseased or blind
2b) in an ethical sense: evil wicked, bad

Thayer’s Definitions are as edited by the Online Bible of Winterbourne, Ontario. They removed the etymology, cross-references, and Greek phrases and changed some of Thayer’s Unitarian doctrinal positions concerning the work and person of Christ.