H3068 – Yehovah – יְהֹוָה YHWH, Yahweh, Jehovah

Strong’s ID:
Hebrew Word:
Yəhôvâh / Yehovah
Part of Speech:
proper noun with reference to deity
, YH, Yah, Jah
, Yehovih, Yehovi
Usage Count:
Find “Yehovah” in the Bible (Old Testament)

Equip God’s People Hebrew Lexicon

1) YHWH (Tetragrammaton)
2) Yahweh, Jehovah

Word Picture:

YHWH—often referred to as the “Tetragrammaton” due to being four letters—is exclusively the name for God. It is believed to be a causative form of the Hebrew verb “הָיָה” (, hayah), suggesting not just “to be” but also “to cause to be.” The name itself can be seen as a reflection of God’s declaration to Moses: “I Am Who I Am” (). So, when we encounter this name for God in the scriptures, it’s essential to grasp the depth of reverence and significance holds. It should beckon us to remember God’s unchanging nature and His eternal promises.

In Jewish tradition, this name of God is so revered that it’s often not vocalized, leading to debates about its correct pronunciation. Instead, the two most common alternative titles are used both in speech and in liturgical readings. The first is “HaShem” which means “The Name” (from , shem). The other is “Adonai” which means “Lord” (). This is why most English Bibles translate it as “Lord” in small caps, out of reverence. Otherwise, Hebrew names like this began with a “Y” sound, in Latin they used “I” for the closest equivalent, then Old French and Middle English began to shift them toward the “J” sound. This linguistic journey has influenced the pronunciation of many biblical names, including this one.

Equip God’s People Hebrew Lexicon © 2013–2024. All rights reserved.

Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon

from ; (the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God:—Jehovah, the Lord. Compare , .